Christopher Edge

Christopher Edge is an award-winning children’s author who grew up in Manchester where he spent most of his childhood in the local library dreaming up stories, but now lives in Gloucestershire where he spends most of his time in the local library dreaming up stories. His most recent novel,áThe Jamie Drake Equation, was chosen by The Times as their Children’s Book of the Week, whilst his previous novel,áThe Many Worlds of Albie Brightáwas nominated for the 2017 CILIP Carnegie Medal and described by the award-winning writer Frank Cottrell Boyce as “a book with a big brain, big laughs, and a big, big heart”. His other books include the critically-acclaimed Penny Dreadful series of historical mysteries, includingáTwelve Minutes to Midnight. He is also the author of the creative writing guidesáHow to Write Your Best Story Ever!áandáHow To Be A Young #Writer.



Check out the interviews below to find out more:

Interview with Samira Ahmed for Front Row on BBC Radio 4

Interview with Chris Hawkins for BBC 6Musicá

Interview with Philip Womack for Books for Keeps magazine

Interview for Cotswold Homes magazine