The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle Resources

The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle by Victoria Williamson

Visit Victoria Williamson’s website

Below are some ideas about how to explore the book’s themes creatively.

Explore Islamic art and how it fits in with the story – eg can it contain pictures of people? Ask students in your class who have Islamic art at home or have visited countries where they have seen Islamic art to talk about the artwork.

Create a display of Mandala pictures.

Have any of the pupils ever had their hands painted with Henna? Is this an activity that you could do in school?

Illustrate one of the beautiful animal poems in the book. Read and discuss other animal poetry, if your students feel inspired they could create their own.

Adapt Lucas Maxwell’s lesson about Syrian refugees. This gives a great introduction to students about how to use search engines more efficiently.

Discussion questions

Reema and her family had to leave their home. What special item would you bring with you if you had to leave your house quickly?

Do you feel differently towards Caylin at the start of the book compared to the end of the book? Why has your perspective changed?

What does your name mean and where does it come from? Were you named after a family member?

Talk about the different viewpoints in the story – Caylin, Reema and the fox. How are their home lives similar and different?

Discuss the different cultural or gender attitudes to sport and girls in sport in the book and your school. Highlight any female sporting pioneers you particularly admire.

What part does speed and running play in the book?

P231 – PTSD: link to other protests going on at the moment. You could talk about recent protests in Hong Kong.

Discuss the background to the Extinction Rebellion movement and how we have the right to protest. This was recently upheld by the courts.

Discuss the topic of wild animals in an urban environment and how the fox has adapted to life in the city.

Have you ever seen a fox?

Do any live near you?

Suggested Further Reading

Catherine Bruton No Ballet Shoes in Syria


Read and discuss the following picture books:

Nicola Davies The Day the War Came’ (see Rebecca Cobb’s video about the imagery used in this book)


Carnegie Greenway




Brian Bilston Refugees



Kate Milner ‘It’s a no money day.’

Newspaper article to spark some discussion