In this fast paced adventure, three orphaned children live in poverty in London. Visiting their Auntie Irene in hospital, they are given an old photo album with a set of strange photos in it. Their Aunt was an inventor, and made a fortune. However, she was very secretive and distrustful, so when she dies, the jewels which she promised Holly and her brothers would inherit are nowhere to be found. Then Holly realises that the album could be a set of clues, and a treasure hunt across the country begins in a bid to find the jewels before their greedy uncle gets there first.
Taking them from the rail tracks outside London to a remote Scottish island with chapters called
An Island of Our Own is an amazing book as it is emotional and can relate to many children who are orphans and have a dream to aspire to. I also liked the fact that there are many twists in the book and the plot can turn quite quickly. It is a very heart-warming book and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a heart melting emotional story.
It had a lot of twists and turns and un expected things happening in the book at a lot of different stages.
I’m glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully you will enjoy the next book as well!
In my opinion this book was enjoyable and adventurous. I think this book is set for people 10 years onwards because younger people might not be able to understand why Holly lives with her brother.
This was my favourite out of all the books.It was really adventurous.