In this fast paced adventure, three orphaned children live in poverty in London. Visiting their Auntie Irene in hospital, they are given an old photo album with a set of strange photos in it. Their Aunt was an inventor, and made a fortune. However, she was very secretive and distrustful, so when she dies, the jewels which she promised Holly and her brothers would inherit are nowhere to be found. Then Holly realises that the album could be a set of clues, and a treasure hunt across the country begins in a bid to find the jewels before their greedy uncle gets there first.
Taking them from the rail tracks outside London to a remote Scottish island with chapters called
I thought that The Island of Our own was an amazing book that I thoroughly enjoyed. It constantly kept me on the edge of my seat and I always wanted to know what happened next. It was an emotional rollercoaster. My favourite character in the book was Jonathan because he was very mature and responsible, and he was always the realist in a room full of optimists.
This book had a very exciting and creative storyline. I’m not usually a fan of adventure books but I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The ending I found very unexpected and I also found that the book and lots of tension and suspense which made me want to keep on reading! I would definitely recommend this book!
I was told to read this book as soon as possible by some of my Book Club pupils taking part within the awards and I am so glad they did. I read this book within 2 days and I couldn’t put it down,I was really drawn in by Holly’s character. I learnt something from this book – no matter how old you are, life is an adventure and you should undertake that adventure as much as possible and not let anything stop you.
That’s really good to know – I’ll tell our year 7 how much your reading group are enjoying it 😉
I liked this book. The way how it was narrated by a thirteen year old helped me understand it and like it better. I loved the adventure the mystery in it.
It is a really good book and has an excellent plot. You can believe that this could happen in real life. Once you pick it up you can’t put it down.
Glad you liked it Sona
I totally agree Sona and I wonder if anyone who may read this story can relate to it in anyway….