13 hours centres on 13 suspense filled hours in AnniÆs life. Every night, she rushes home from school, desperate to get home. She is a carer for her mum, who panics about being alone in their large, derelict house.
AnniÆs Mum is terrified of intruders and often gets Anni to check the house to make sure they are safe. But this Friday night, when Anni goes to check û she hears voices. Desperate, she and her mum try to escape but the intruders discover them and keep them prisoner. What is their motive û could it be to do with the Prime MinisterÆs visit tomorrow?
I think this book was amazing. I really loved how it was set out. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense and dramatic books.
I really liked this book because there was a lot of danger in it which lead me to wanting to read more and more but I was quite disappointed at the end as it was building up suspense but the end was just not really exciting. Katie, I’ve edited your review so it doesn’t have spoilers
Mrs Caller, Librarian)
Really well thought. I loved how it was set over 13 hours literally.Great, unexpected ending.
I really enjoyed this book. It was really exciting.
Amazing story line