13 hours centres on 13 suspense filled hours in AnniÆs life. Every night, she rushes home from school, desperate to get home. She is a carer for her mum, who panics about being alone in their large, derelict house.
AnniÆs Mum is terrified of intruders and often gets Anni to check the house to make sure they are safe. But this Friday night, when Anni goes to check û she hears voices. Desperate, she and her mum try to escape but the intruders discover them and keep them prisoner. What is their motive û could it be to do with the Prime MinisterÆs visit tomorrow?
I really enjoyed this read. It is one of those books that once you start reading it, you can’t put it down. I love all the characters and the plot of the story is very clever taking many twists and turns.
I really enjoyed this book. The start was extremely gripping and I found that I couldn’t put the book down. The ending was good and I quite liked the twist but it wasn’t as believable as the start. Other than that, I really enjoyed the book.
I really enjoyed this book! It gave me that tingly feeling when the pattern of thread
that Anni had laid out had been disturbed. I also cried when Anni’s mum told her that his real dad had drowned and my mum come in the room and said to me “Sarah, why on earth are you crying?’ I was crying in bed that night.
What a fab review Sarah! The best books give me a strong reaction too. It sounds as if you really enjoy reading. I hope you enjoy the other books as much (Stanley Carrot made me wipe away a tear too)
Mrs Caller
this is possibly one of the best books I have ever read and would totally recommend it to anybody
I like the main character because she is brave and quick at thinking. I also like how the story is sort of a diary and it’s also quite scary in some parts. However it wasn’t believable in places and the ending wasn’t that good.